1000 Rochester Hills Dr
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
(248) 656-4600
Home Page: www.rochesterhills.org
Request for Site Plan Approval - File PSP2024-0008 - for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant
Request for Tree Removal Permit Approval - File PTP2025-0001 - to remove thirty (30) regulated trees and five (5) specimen trees and to provide zero (0) replacement trees and to pay the required fifty-seven (57) replacement trees into the City's Tree Fund for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant
Request for Wetland Use Permit Recommendation - File PWEP2025-0001 - to impact
approximately 0.07 acres of wetlands for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant
Request for Natural Features Setback Modification - File PNFSM2025-0001 - to modify the required natural features setback by approximately 398 linear feet for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant
Request for Site Plan Approval - File No. PSP2024-0037 - to demolish and rebuild a gasoline service station at 2260 Crooks Rd., Parcel No. 15-29-276-001, located at the southwest corner of Crooks and Avon Industrial, zoned HB Highway Business; Sam Beydoun, Safeway Acquisition Co. LLC, Applicant
Request for Acceptance of the 2024 Planning & Economic Development Department Annual Report
Request for recommendation of a Planning Commission representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one-year term to expire March 31, 2026
March 18, 2025 5:30 p.m. Worksession
March 18, 2025 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact Facilities at 248-656-4658 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.