Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/6/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: 1000 Rochester Hills Drive
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-0245 1 RecognitionProclamation in Recognition of Professional Municipal Clerks Week   Not available Not available
2024-0221 1 FinanceRequest for Acceptance of the Fiscal Year End 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report presented by the audit firm of Rehmann, PLLC   Not available Not available
2024-0066 3 OrdinanceRequest for Acceptance of Second Reading and Adoption - An Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 30, Community Development, Article II, Tax Exempt Housing, Section 30-33, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to provide service charge in lieu of taxes and authorize provisions relating to Avon Towers Preservation Limited Dividend Housing Association Limited Partnership eligible under the State Housing Development Authority Act of 1966, and repeal conflicting ordinances, and prescribe a penalty for violations   Not available Not available
2024-0080 4 AdministrationRequest for Acceptance of the Historic District Study Committee Report on the Eureka Fruit Farm/1021 Harding Rd. Noncontiguous Historic District   Not available Not available
2024-0249 1 OrdinanceRequest for Acceptance of Second Reading and Adoption - An Ordinance to Amend Sections 118-98 and map 118-B of Chapter 118, Historical Preservation, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to delete the noncontiguous historic district identified as 1021 Harding, Parcel No. 15-15-327-002, repeal conflicting ordinances and to prescribe a penalty for violations   Not available Not available
2024-0203 2 ProjectRequest for Conditional Use Approval to allow construction of a third floor (with a maximum height of 45 ft.) for the proposed Gerald Plaza, a three-story mixed use residential and commercial building at 1760 E. Auburn Rd., located at the southwest corner of Auburn Rd. and Gerald Ave., zoned BD Brooklands District; Mike Chaudhary, DMC Consultants, Inc., Applicant   Not available Not available
2024-0228 1 AgreementRequest for Acceptance of the Subrecipient Agreement between Oakland County and the City of Rochester Hills for the allocation of grant funding under the FY 2024 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Grant   Not available Not available
2024-0229 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FACILITIES: Blanket Purchase Order for janitorial supplies, paper products, green cleaning products, and other items in the total amount not-to-exceed $80,000.00 through May 31, 2025; Imperial Dade/Nichols Paper & Supply Co., Rochester Hills, MI   Not available Not available
2024-0238 1 AdministrationRequest for Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Parks and Natural Resources Director to be the Agent for the City of Rochester Hills for Oakland County's West Nile Virus Fund Program   Not available Not available
2024-0239 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FLEET: Increase to Blanket Purchase Order for Third Party Tank Inspections and Repair Services in the amount of $50,000.00 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $72,000.00 through March 31, 2025; Oscar W. Larson Company, Clarkston, MI   Not available Not available
2024-0175 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FISCAL: Blanket Purchase Order for annual support and maintenance for the City's Water and Sewer Utility Billing System in the amount not-to-exceed $122,314.95 for a three-year period (May 1, 2024 - April 30, 2027); TruePoint Solutions, Incline Village, NV   Not available Not available
2024-0240 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FACILITIES: Blanket Purchase Order/Contract for the Borden Park Material Storage Building in the amount of $154,898.54 with a 10% project contingency in the amount of $15,489.85 for a total not-to-exceed project amount of $170,388.39; Lang Constructors, Inc., Flint, Michigan   Not available Not available
2024-0241 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FACILITIES: Contract/Blanket Purchase Order for project management services required for the construction of the Borden Park Materials Storage Building in the amount not-to-exceed $16,961.39; Gordian, Greenville, South Carolina   Not available Not available
2024-0242 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FACILITIES: Contract/Blanket Purchase Order for the design-build of the Innovation Hills Restroom Project in the not-to-exceed project budget amount of $1,009,444.00; Mando Construction, Mount Clemens, MI   Not available Not available
2024-0243 1 PurchaseRequest for Acceptance of Grant Award: PARKS AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Acceptance of Oakland County and Oakland County Parks Grant Award for the development of a year-round restroom at Innovation Hills; County of Oakland, Pontiac, MI   Not available Not available
2024-0248 1 AdministrationRequest for Approval of the proposed amendments to the Van Hoosen Jones Stoney Creek Cemetery Rules and Regulations   Not available Not available