Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final Revised
Meeting date/time: 7/10/2023 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 1000 Rochester Hills Drive
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2023-0299 1 RecognitionRecognition of the 2023 Rochester Hills Leadership GraduatesPresented  Action details Not available
2023-0289 1 PresentationMidwest Strategy Group PresentationPresented  Action details Not available
2023-0280 2 ProjectRequest for Conditional Use Approval to allow alcoholic beverage sales for on-premises consumption at the proposed Juan Blanco's restaurant, 1655 E. Auburn Rd., zoned BD Brooklands District, Alisha Robinson, Architectural Planners Inc., ApplicantAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0332 1 LicenseRequest for a "New from Quota" Class C Liquor License from Brooklands LLC d/b/a Juan Blanco's Tacos and Tequila located at 1655 E. Auburn RoadAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0333 1 Meeting MinutesApproval of Minutes - City Council Regular Meeting - April 17, 2023Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0346 1 Meeting MinutesApproval of Minutes - City Council Special Meeting - May 8, 2023Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2022-0194 2 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FACILITIES: Increase to Blanket Purchase Order for irrigation systems maintenance and repair services for City-owned properties in the amount of $35,000.00 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $95,900.00; Techseven Company, Shelby Township, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0331 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - DPS/FLEET: Increase to Blanket Purchase Order for service and parts for Elgin Sweeper and Trackless Municipal Tractor in the amount of $15,000.00 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $40,000.00; MacQueen, LLC, DBA Bell Equipment, Lake Orion, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0348 1 PermitRequest for Approval of Fireworks Display Permit for the Festival of the Hills event to be held at Borden Park on Wednesday, July 26, 2023Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0300 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - DPS/ENG: Cost Participation Agreement approval between the Board of Commissioners (BOARD) for the County of Oakland and the City of Rochester Hills for Local Road Improvement Matching Fund Pilot Program in the amount of $261,355.00; County of Oakland, Waterford, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2022-0484 2 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - DPS/GAR: Increase to Blanket Purchase Order for water service repair parts in the amount of $100,000.00 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $206,000.00; ETNA Supply, Grand Rapids, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0290 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - CITYWIDE: Increase to Contract/Blanket Purchase Order for citywide printing services in the amount of $10,000.00 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $122,650.00.00 through May 31, 2024; Image Printing, Inc., Royal Oak, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0324 1 AdministrationRequest for Approval for the Special Police Millage Renewal Ballot Language to be placed on the November 7, 2023 General Election BallotAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0325 1 AdministrationSalary Recommendation for Department Directors' Variable Performance (Discretionary) Pay - 2023Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0326 1 AdministrationSalary Recommendation for Boards and Commissions - 2024Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0327 1 AdministrationSalary Recommendation for City Council - 2024Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0328 1 AdministrationSalary Recommendation for Department Directors' General Adjustment - 2024Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0329 1 AdministrationSalary Recommendation for Directors' Equity Adjustment - 2024Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2023-0330 1 AdministrationSalary Recommendation for Mayor - 2024Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available