| 1 | | Roads | Approval of Traffic Control Order PK-88 for Streets located within Cumberland Hills Subdivision, Section #27 - No Stopping, Standing or Parking from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on School Days Only within the right-of-way on both sides of Cumberland Drive from Hamlin Road to Prospect Drive | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | Roads | Approval of Traffic Control Order PK-87 for Streets located within Rochester Industrial Park - Section #21- No parking on the west side of Rochester Industrial Drive from Hamlin Road northerly to Rochester Industrial Lane | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | Roads | Approval of Traffic Control Order YS-97 (Glacial yield to Galena, Passive yield to Galena, Galena yield to Quarry, Traceky yield to Quarry, Serene yield to Passive, and Petosky yield to Traceky) for Streets within Clear Creek Subdivision No. 3 & 4 - Section #2 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | Roads | Approval of Traffic Control Order YS-98 (East Shore Drive yield to Mackwood Road) for Streets within Avon Lakes Village Subdivision No. 4 - Section #25: | | |
Not available
Not available