Meeting Name: Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/24/1995 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 1000 Rochester Hills Drive
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2000-0973 1 Archive - Meeting MinutesJune 26, 1995 Regular Meeting   Action details Not available
2000-0964 2 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance of 25 feet from Ordinance which requires a minimum side yard setback of 25 feet in the B-2 zoning district. Plans show a side yard setback of 0 feet between the proposed addition and the east side lot line - File No. 95-022 - 2155 Auburn Rd., Jerry Barnes, ApplicantDenied  Action details Not available
2000-0965 2 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance of 15 feet from Ordinance which requires a minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet in the B-2 zoning district. Plans show a rear yard setback of 35 feet - File No. 95-022 - 2155 Auburn Rd., Jerry Barnes, ApplicantDenied  Action details Not available
2000-0974 1 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance from Section 21.10.f.s of Ordinance 200, which states that A) non nonconforming signs shall be changed to another nonconforming sign; and B) no nonconforming signs shall have any changes made in the words or symbols used on the message displayed on the sign unless the sign is a bulletin board, or similar type sign, specifically designed for periodic change in message. Submitted plans propose changes to an existing pole sign - File No. 85-543 - 1950 S. Rochester Road, Johnson Sign Company, ApplicantPostponed  Action details Not available
2000-0974 1 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance from Section 21.10.f.s of Ordinance 200, which states that A) non nonconforming signs shall be changed to another nonconforming sign; and B) no nonconforming signs shall have any changes made in the words or symbols used on the message displayed on the sign unless the sign is a bulletin board, or similar type sign, specifically designed for periodic change in message. Submitted plans propose changes to an existing pole sign - File No. 85-543 - 1950 S. Rochester Road, Johnson Sign Company, ApplicantPostponed  Action details Not available
2000-0974 1 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance from Section 21.10.f.s of Ordinance 200, which states that A) non nonconforming signs shall be changed to another nonconforming sign; and B) no nonconforming signs shall have any changes made in the words or symbols used on the message displayed on the sign unless the sign is a bulletin board, or similar type sign, specifically designed for periodic change in message. Submitted plans propose changes to an existing pole sign - File No. 85-543 - 1950 S. Rochester Road, Johnson Sign Company, ApplicantPostponed  Action details Not available
2000-0975 1 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance from Section 21.10 Footnote (g) of Ordinance 200 which prohibits "pole signs." The submitted sign permit application proposes one (1) panel change to an existing pole sign - File No. 85-543 - 1950 S. Rochester Road, Johnson Sign Company, ApplicantPostponed  Action details Not available
2000-0976 1 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance of 13 feet from Section 21.10, Table 21.10 of Ordinance 200, which limits the maximum height of signs in the B-3 zoning district to 7 feet. The existing nonconforming sign is 20 feet in height - File No. 85-543 - 1950 S. Rochester Road, Johnson Sign Company, ApplicantPostponed  Action details Not available
2000-0977 1 Archive - Variance / ModificationRequest for Variance from Section 21.10.j (message units) of Ordinance 200 which limits each business premise with more than one (1) occupant to one (1) sign containing up to ten (10) message units per street frontage, identifying only the name of the premises. A submitted sign permit application proposes to install tenant signage on an existing nonconforming pole sign - File No. 85-543 - 1950 S. Rochester Rd., Johnson Sign Company, ApplicantPostponed  Action details Not available