| 1 | | Administration | January 14, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes | | |
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| 1 | | Project | Request for Site Plan Approval - File PSP2024-0008 - for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant | | |
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| 1 | | Project | Request for Tree Removal Permit Approval - File PTP2025-0001 - to remove thirty (30) regulated trees and five (5) specimen trees and to provide zero (0) replacement trees and to pay the required fifty-seven (57) replacement trees into the City's Tree Fund for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant | | |
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| 1 | | Project | Request for Wetland Use Permit Recommendation - File PWEP2025-0001 - to impact approximately 0.07 acres of wetlands for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant | | |
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| 1 | | Project | Request for Natural Features Setback Modification - File PNFSM2025-0001 - to modify the required natural features setback by approximately 398 linear feet for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant | | |
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| 1 | | Project | Request for Site Plan Approval - File No. PSP2024-0037 - to demolish and rebuild a gasoline service station at 2260 Crooks Rd., Parcel No. 15-29-276-001, located at the southwest corner of Crooks and Avon Industrial, zoned HB Highway Business; Sam Beydoun, Safeway Acquisition Co. LLC, Applicant | | |
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| 1 | | Ordinance | Acceptance for Second Reading of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 138, Zoning, Section 138-1.203, Section 138-2.207, Section 138-4.101, Section 138-4.200, Section 138-4.300, Section 138-4.425, Section 138-5.205, Section 138-10.100, Section 138-10.102, Section 138-10.107, Section 138-10.311, Section 138-10.401, Section 138-11.305, Section 138-12.108, and to add Section 138-11.205, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to amend public hearing notification procedures, site plan review procedures, zoning map and district boundaries, table of permitted uses, schedule of regulations, general provisions, off street parking and loading, bicycle parking, landscaping and screening, and prescribe a penalty for violations, and repeal conflicting ordinances | | |
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| 1 | | Administration | Request for Acceptance of the 2024 Planning & Economic Development Department Annual Report | | |
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| 1 | | Administration | Request for Appointment of Two Representatives to the CIP Policy Team | | |
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| 1 | | Appointment | Request for recommendation of a Planning Commission representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one-year term to expire March 31, 2026 | | |
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