| 1 | | Recognition | Proclamation in Recognition of Major Russell Yeiser | | |
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| 1 | | Administration | Swearing-In Ceremony for Ann Echols, Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal | | |
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| 1 | | Presentation | Rochester Hills Government Youth Council Bi-Annual Report | | |
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| 1 | | Finance | FY 2025 1st Quarter Budget Amendments | | |
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| 2 | | Ordinance | Acceptance for Second Reading of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 138, Zoning, Section 138-1.203, Section 138-2.207, Section 138-4.101, Section 138-4.200, Section 138-4.300, Section 138-4.425, Section 138-5.205, Section 138-10.100, Section 138-10.102, Section 138-10.107, Section 138-10.311, Section 138-10.401, Section 138-11.305, Section 138-12.108, and to add Section 138-11.205, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to amend public hearing notification procedures, site plan review procedures, zoning map and district boundaries, table of permitted uses, schedule of regulations, general provisions, off street parking and loading, bicycle parking, landscaping and screening, and prescribe a penalty for violations, and repeal conflicting ordinances | | |
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| 1 | | Ordinance | Request for Acceptance for Second Reading of an Ordinance to Amend Section 130-38 of Article II Planning Commission of Chapter 130 - Planning, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to eliminate the language requiring a public hearing and notice for a proposed subdivision plat within the Planning Commission section of the City Code of Ordinances and to ensure consistency across various ordinance sections; to repeal conflicting or inconsistent ordinances, and prescribe a penalty for violations | | |
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| 2 | | Administration | Request for Acceptance of the 2024 Planning & Economic Development Department Annual Report | | |
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| 2 | | Purchase | Request for Purchase Authorization - PLANNING: Increase to Blanket Purchase Order/Contract for Wetland and Environmental Consulting Services in the amount of $50,000.00 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $148,200.00 and authorize a contract extension through June 30, 2025; ASTI Environmental, Brighton, MI | | |
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| 1 | | Administration | Request for Acceptance of Parcel #15-35-303-001, consisting of 0.08 acres of land to accommodate the construction of the City’s Super Primary Gateway | | |
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| 1 | | Purchase | Request for Purchase Authorization - DPS/ENG: Blanket Purchase Order for 2025 maintenance and repairs or upgrades of existing traffic signals and SCATS costs in the amount not-to-exceed $90,000.00 through December 31, 2025; Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), Waterford, MI | | |
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| 2 | | Appointment | Request for recommendation of a Planning Commission representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one-year term to expire March 31, 2026 | | |
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| 1 | | Purchase | Request for Purchase Authorization - FACILITIES: Contract/Blanket Purchase Order for Irrigation System Maintenance and Repair Services for City-owned properties in the amount not-to-exceed $135,000.00 through December 31, 2027; Techseven Company, Shelby Township, MI | | |
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| 1 | | Purchase | Request for Purchase Authorization - DPS/ENG: Contract/Blanket Purchase Order for the 2025 Asphalt Rehabilitation Program in the amount of $2,536,485.00 with a 10% project contingency in the amount of $253,648.50 for a total not-to-exceed project amount of $2,790,133.50; Pro-Line Asphalt Paving Corp., Washington, MI | | |
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| 1 | | Purchase | Request for Purchase Authorization - FLEET: Blanket Purchase Order/Project Budget for the purchase of 2025 and 2026 vehicles and related equipment in the amount not-to-exceed $1,324,790.00; Cooperative Contracts and Other Supply Sources | | |
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| 2 | | Administration | Adoption of Amendments to the City Council Rules of Procedure Article VIII. Citizens' Rights, Section .05 (a) and (b) | | |
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| 1 | | Administration | Request for Approval of the permanent consolidation of Election-Day Precincts from 32 to 21 as permitted under MCL 168.658 | | |
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