Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/17/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 1000 Rochester Hills Drive
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2014-0006 1 Administration2014 Public Comments   Action details Video Video
2014-0109 1 AgreementRequest for Acceptance of the update to the North Oakland County Water Authority (NOCWA) Interlocal AgreementPresented  Action details Video Video
2014-0108 1 Meeting MinutesApproval of Minutes - City Council Regular Meeting - February 10, 2014Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0095 1 RoadsRequest for approval of Traffic Control Order SS-146-14, Streets within Vistas of Rochester Hills Subdivision - Section 23: STOP Robinson Drive for Pembroke Drive and Traffic Control Order YS-109-14, Streets within Vistas of Rochester Hills - Section 23: YIELD at designated locations and Traffic Control Order YS-108-14, Streets within Northbrooke Subdivision - Section 33: YIELD Wren Lane for Newstead LaneAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0112 1 OrdinanceAcceptance for Second Reading and Adoption - An Ordinance to amend Section 102-321, Chapter 102, Utilities, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to disallow bypass of a water meter unless approved by the Department of Public Services Director, repeal conflicting or inconsistent Ordinances, and prescribe a penalty for violationsAccepted for First Reading by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0119 1 OrdinanceAcceptance for Second Reading and Adoption - An Ordinance to amend Sections 18-3, 18-5, 18-6, 18-7, 18-8, and 18-41 of Chapter 18, Building and Building Regulations, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to modify contractor license registrations, and to repeal conflicting or inconsistent OrdinancesAccepted for First Reading by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0092 2 OrdinanceAcceptance for Second Reading and Adoption - An Ordinance to amend Sections 54-46, 54-151, 54-154, 54-156, 54-163, 54-192, 54-197, 54-226, 54-229, 54-234, 54-261, 54-262, 54-265, 54-270, 54-302, 54-319, 54-471, 54-590, 54-711, 54-742, 54-748, 54-776 and 54-806, Section 54-193 Repealed of Chapter 54, Fees of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to modify fees charged for Roadside Stands, Permits, Plan Reviews, Fire Suppression, Pressure Testing, Plumbing Licenses, Electrical Service, Contractor Registration/License, Fuel Burning Equipment, Mechanical Licenses, Sports Field Rental, Other Activities, Service Calls, Public Hydrants, Tap, Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Connections, and to Repeal Conflicting or Inconsistent OrdinancesAccepted for Second Reading and Adoption by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2010-0094 9 ProjectDiscussion relative to a conceptual road layout plan for approximately 27 acres of property located on the east side of Rochester Road, between Hamlin and Avon, zoned FB-2, G&V Investments, ApplicantAccepted for Second Reading and Adoption by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0100 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor's reappointment of Gerard Dettloff, C. Neall Schroeder, and Emmet Yukon to the Planning Commission, each for three-year terms to expire March 31, 2017Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0101 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor's reappointment of Michael Ellis to the Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) for a four-year term to expire March 31, 2018Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0102 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Dianah Foster and Johnathan Muenk to the Economic Development Corporation (EDC), each for a six-year term to expire March 31, 2020Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0070 2 AppointmentRequest for Appointment of a Planning Commission Representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one-year term to expire March 31, 2015Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2013-0357 2 PermitRequest for Conditional Land Use Approval - To construct two restaurant drive-throughs at a proposed 8,095 square-foot retail outlot building at the Campus Corners shopping center, located on the east side of Livernois, between Walton and Avon, Parcel No. 15-15-101-024, zoned B-3, Shopping Center Business, Campus Corners Associates, Inc., ApplicantAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0063 2 PermitRequest for Conditional Land Use Approval - To construct a drive-through at a proposed Tim Hortons restaurant at the northwest corner of Crooks and Avon Industrial Dr., south of Hamlin, Parcel No. 15-29-228-004, zoned B-3, Shopping Center Business, Tim Hortons, ApplicantAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0106 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - DPS/ENG: Increase to Blanket Purchase Order for as-needed Construction Inspection Services in the amount of $50,000.00 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $150,000.00; Spalding DeDecker Associates, Inc., Rochester Hills, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video