Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final Revised
Meeting date/time: 12/15/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 1000 Rochester Hills Drive
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2014-0006 1 Administration2014 Public Comments   Action details Video Video
2014-0593 1 Attorney MatterRequest for Attorney General Opinion regarding Oil and Gas Development RegulationAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Video Video
2014-0592 1 ProjectPresentation on Riverbend Park Project UpdatePresented  Action details Video Video
2014-0591 1 RecognitionProclamation in recognition of Rochester Community SchoolsPresented  Action details Video Video
2014-0586 1 AdministrationAdministration's Recognition of Council Member Michael WebberPresented  Action details Video Video
2014-0573 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - BLDG/FAC: Blanket Purchase Order for cellular service in the amount not-to-exceed $70,000.00 through October 31, 2016Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0581 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - CITYWIDE: Blanket Purchase Order for various maintenance, hardware and building supplies in the amount not-to-exceed $45,000.00 through December 31, 2015; The Home Depot, Rochester Hills, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0582 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - CITYWIDE: Blanket Purchase Order for office supplies and equipment in the amount not-to-exceed $55,000.00; Office Max, Warren, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0510 1 PolicyRequest for Approval of an Amendment to the City's Pension Plan Document to incorporate changes needed to conform to legislation and court related actionsAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0544 1 FinanceCommunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year 2015 ApplicationAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0494 1 FinanceFY 2014 4th Quarter Budget AmendmentsAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2013-0360 6 ProjectRequest for Site Plan Approval - City File No. 13-016.3 - Pines of Rochester Hills, a proposed two building senior living development totaling 38,159 square feet on 3.86 acres (assisted living and memory care facilities) on South Boulevard, east of Livernois, AGE of Rochester Hills, Inc., ApplicantAccepted for Second Reading and Adoption by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0464 1 AppointmentNomination/Appointment of two (2) Citizen Representatives to the Liquor License Technical Review Committee, each for a one-year term to expire December 31, 2015Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0545 1 AppointmentNomination/Appointment of one (1) Citizen Representative as Alternate to the Trailways Commission, for the unexpired term of Danielle Shurkus ending December 31, 2016Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0585 1 AppointmentRequest to Amend the Term for the Mayor's appointment of Thomas Neveau to the Advisory Traffic and Safety Board to expire June 30, 2016Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0587 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor’s reappointment of Robin Laske and Ralph Pisani to the Board of Review, each for a three-year term to expire December 31, 2017Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0588 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor’s reappointment of Edward Alward and Stan Paurazas to the Construction/Fire Prevention Board of Appeals, each for a three-year term to expire December 31, 2017Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0589 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor’s reappointment of Kathy Rogers to the Rochester Hills Museum Foundation for a two-year term to expire December 31, 2016Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0590 1 AppointmentConfirmation of the Mayor’s reappointment of Penny Brady, Annice Marie Dieters-Williams, Thomas Dohr, Rodney Hulbert, and Ronald Vogt and appointment of Tate Vo to the Citizens Pathway Review Committee, each for a one-year term to expire on December 31, 2015Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0549 1 AdministrationDiscussion regarding proposed amendments to City Council Rules of ProcedureAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0391 3 AdministrationRequest for Approval of Acquisition of Parcel No. 15-20-300-005, located on the north side of the Clinton River and Riverbend Park, recommended by the Green Space Advisory BoardAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0571 1 PurchaseRequest for Acceptance of Highway Easement granted by Nicholas G. Pathenos Trust dated April 19, 2012, 430 W. Hamlin Road, Rochester Hills, Michigan, and authorization of payment to the landowner in the amount of $18,420.00Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0575 1 PurchaseRequest for Acceptance of Storm Sewer Easement and Temporary Construction Easement granted by Kathleen A. Daas, 679 W. Hamlin Road, Rochester Hills, Michigan, and authorization of payment to the landowner in the amount of $250.00Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0576 1 PurchaseRequest for Acceptance of Highway Easement granted by Joan H. Wiegand, as to the Life Estate coupled with the unrestricted Power of Conveyance pursuant to Michigan Land Title Standard 9.3 and the Trustee of the Joan H. Wiegand Living Trust dated August 23, 2011, 1441 E. Hamlin Road, Rochester Hills, Michigan, and authorization of payment in the amount of $33,840.00Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0574 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - BLDG/FAC: Blanket Purchase Order for electric energy for City facilities in the amount not-to-exceed $400,000.00 through December 31, 2015Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0579 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - BLDG/FAC: Blanket Purchase Order for natural gas for various City owned buildings in the amount of $132,610.00 through December 31, 2015; Consumers Energy, Lansing, MIAdopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available
2014-0578 1 PurchaseRequest for Purchase Authorization - FLEET: Increase to purchase order issued to Red Holman Buick GMC, Westland, MI in the amount of $2,132.00 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $250,779.00.Adopted by ResolutionPass Action details Not available