Request for Purchase Authorization - MIS/BUILDING: Blanket Purchase Order for annual support and software maintenance for the City's Equalizer - Building, Assessing, Tax, Special Assessments, Misc. Receivables and Cash Receipting Software and website hosting fees for Assessing, Treasury, and Building Department for Permit and Property Data Lookup in the amount not-to-exceed $90,000 for a one year period; BS&A Software, Bath, MI
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby authorizes a Blanket Purchase Order for annual support and software maintenance for the City's Equalizer - Building, Assessing, Tax, Special Assessments, Misc. Receivables and Cash Receipting Software and website hosting fees for Assessing, Treasury, and Building Department for Permit and Property Data Lookup to BS&A Software, Bath, Michigan in the amount not-to-exceed $90,000.00 for a one year period.