Request for Blanket Purchasing Authorization - DPS/Engineering: Maintenance and Repair or Upgrades of Traffic Signals, SCATs, and School Flashers for the total amount of $150,000.00 to Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC)
Whereas, under terms and conditions of separate agreements with the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), the City of Rochester Hills has agreed to pay for a percentage of the costs associated with maintaining traffic signals on our major roads; and
Whereas, a request for a contingency of $20,000.00 for the unforeseen miscellaneous items and inflationary costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the traffic signals, SCATs and school flashers.
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby authorizes a Blanket Purchase Order to the Road Commission for Oakland County, of Waterford, Michigan for the maintenance and/or repair of traffic signals, SCATs, school flashers in the amount of $150,000.00.