Request for Approval of Site Plan - City File No. 05-030.6 - Chili's at Adams Marketplace/Grand Sakwa, a 5,938 square-foot restaurant at Marketplace Circle and Adams Road, Rochester Hills Corporate Center, L.L.C., applicant.
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the Site Plan for Chili's at Adams Marketplace, City File No. 05-030.6, an 5,938 square-foot building located off Marketplace Circle at Adams and M-59, part of Parcel No. 15-30-326-008, zoned by Consent Judgment, based on plans received by the Planning and Development Department on March 15, 2007, with the following conditions:
1. Correct Sheet SP 2.1 legal description to match boundary drawing on SP 2.1 and description submitted on land division application, prior to Final Approval by Staff.
2. Submission of performance and maintenance bonds in the amount of $86,040.00 for replacement trees and landscaping, prior to obtaining a Land Improvement Permit.
3. Correct Parking Table on Sheet SP 1.2 and Site Layout and Paving Plan on sheet following SP 1.2, per E. Anzek memo of 4-9-07, prior to Final Approval by Staff.