Historical Quilters Society Keepsake Quilt
Whereas, the Historical Quilters Society of the Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm generously donated a handmade quilt to the City of Rochester Hills; and
Whereas, it is a reproduction of a quilt in the Museum's collection dated 1913 by the W. P. Everett Relief Corps No. 226 of Rochester, Michigan; and
Whereas, typically called the Women's Relief Corps, the National Relief Corps exists today to honor all those who have served the United States in any war; and
Whereas, the quilt is known as a "friendship" quilt with each square being produced by a different person and then assembled at a later date.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Mayor and City Council of Rochester Hills offer their personal thanks to the ladies of the "Historical Quilters Society" for their time and effort in making this beautiful quilt and will proudly display this gift as a continual reminder of "friendship" to all who visit City Hall.