Salary Recommendation for City Council - 2006
Whereas, Council Member Robbins made a motion that all salary and wage resolutions concerning the Department Directors, the City Council, the Mayor, and the Boards and Commissions be approved with a single vote of Council; and
Whereas, Council Member Robbins' motion was seconded by Council Member Dalton; and
Whereas, Council Member Duistermars made a motion to amend Council Member Robbins' motion to omit the resolution regarding the Department Directors' salary for separate consideration; and
Whereas, Council Member Duistermars' motion to amend was seconded by Council Member Barnett; and
Whereas, the motion to amend Council Member Robbins' original motion was passed unanimously by City Council.
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council concurs with the recommendation of the Administration & Information Services (AIS) Committee that the compensation for the Rochester Hills City Council, in the form of a yearly salary for Fiscal Year 2006, remain the same as Fiscal Year 2005 in the amount as follows:
City Council President - $7,850.48/year
City Council Member - $6,577.43/year
Further Resolved that the City Council Members shall receive per diem compensation in the amount of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) for attendance at any meeting, for which they are appointed as a Council Representative, in excess of thirty-two (32) meetings per year.