Proclamation in Recognition of the Rochester High School Competitive Cheerleading Team, Michigan High School Athletic Association 2006 State Champions
The City of Rochester Hills Honors Rochester High School 2006 Class A State Champions for Competitive Cheerleading
Whereas, the Citizens of Rochester Hills are proud of the success achieved by the students in our local schools; and
Whereas, the Rochester High School Competitive Cheerleading Team members are the best in the State of Michigan in their sport for the 2006 school year.
Now, Therefore, Be It Known, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester Hills hereby express our community's admiration for the teamwork, skill and talent of the Rochester High School Class A State Champions, and express our thanks for the dedication of their coaching staff; and
Be It Further Known, that on behalf of the Citizens of Rochester Hills, we express our pride in the accomplishments of these athletes:
Stephanie Chun Katie Hilbert Nicole Seyburn
Cassie Clem Erica Hubar Kelsey Smith
Katlynn Cowling Jessica Kuznia Chelsea Stange
Kelsey Doucet Melissa LaMotte Adrienne Szymanski
Michelle Durmisevich Shannon Marconi Breianne Thompson
Jenny Gibson Holly Milhelic Sarah Tilden
Melisa Gilbey Dara Miller Elizabeth Vickers
Carly Green Lauren Murri Alyssa Yamarino
Erica Hamling Paige O'Shea Katie Ziegeler
Liz Handler
Varsity Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach
Susan Wood Ginny Ames Liz Gibson
Bryan Barnett, Mayor
James Rosen, Council President
Erik Ambrozaitis, Council Member
Barbara Holder, Vice President
Jim Duistermars, Council Member
Linda Raschke, Council Member
Ravi Yalamanchi, Council Member