Request for Approval of Acquisition of Parcel No. 15-20-300-005, located on the north side of the Clinton River and Riverbend Park, recommended by the Green Space Advisory Board
Whereas, the City administration has negotiated a proposed agreement to purchase an approximately 48 acre parcel of land located on the north boundary of the Clinton River and Riverbend Park, commonly known as the White property (Parcel No. 15-20-300-005); and
Whereas, the White property is an undeveloped natural area that the City's Green Space Advisory Board has unanimously recommended for acquisition by the City; and
Whereas, the funding source for the purchase of the White property is the Green Space Millage approved by the City's electors in 2005 to "permanently preserve natural green spaces, wildlife habitats, and scenic views, protect woodlands, wetlands, rivers and streams; and expand the Clinton River Greenway and other trail corridors by funding the purchase of land and interest in land.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the City Council approves the Purchase Agreement, as presented, to purchase the White property for One Million Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($1,025,000).
Be It Further Resolved, that the City administration and City Attorney are authorized to consummate the purchase of the White property, and the Mayor may execute any necessary documents in furtherance of this transaction.