Request for a Wetland Use Permit - Sanctuary in the Hills East Condominiums PUD, for temporary and permanent impacts to approximately 2,400 square feet associated with a proposed 14-unit residential development on 4.57 acres, located north of South Boulevard, East of Sanctuary Blvd., zoned R-4 One Family Residential; Dan MacLeish, MacLeish Building, Inc., Applicant
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves a Wetland Use Permit for the Sanctuary in the Hills Condominiums PUD for temporary and permanent impacts to approximately 2,400 square feet associated with a proposed 14-unit residential development on 4.57 acres, located north of South Boulevard, East of Sanctuary Blvd., zoned R-4, One Family Residential Parcel Nos. 15-32-476-001, -002, -005, -006, -009, 15-32-477-009 and -016, Dan MacLeish, MacLeish Building, Inc., Applicant, based on plans dated received by the Planning and Economic Development Department on July 25, 2016 with the following findings and conditions:
1. Of the approximately 1.7 acre of City-regulated wetlands on site, the applicant is proposing to impact approximately .05 acre.
2. The wetland area will be protected by the retaining wall and by minimizing the road crossing.
1. That the applicant receives all applicable DEQ permits prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
2. That the applicant provides a detailed soil erosion plan with measures sufficient to ensure ample protection of wetlands areas, prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.