Acceptance for Second Reading and Adoption- An Ordinance to amend Sections 138-611 and 138-612 of Chapter 138, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills to modify the statement of intent of the B-4 Zoning District and authorize certain office buildings with a minimum floor area of 15,000 square feet as a principal permitted use in the B-4 district.
Resolved, that an Ordinance to amend Sections 138-611 and 138-612 of Chapter 138, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills to modify the statement of intent of the B-4 Zoning District and authorize certain office buildings with a minimum floor area of 15,000 square feet as a principal permitted use in the B-4 district, and to prescribe penalties for the violation thereof, is hereby Accepted for Second Reading and Adoption, and shall become effective on June 22, 2007, the day following its publication on Thursday, June 21, 2007 in the Rochester Eccentric newspaper.