2008-2009 Plan Year / Annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Application
WHEREAS, the City of Rochester Hills has duly advertised a public hearing for the purpose of receiving public comments regarding the proposed use of Program Year 2008 Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG) in the approximate amount of $148,855.00, and;
WHEREAS, a public hearing to receive public comments regarding the proposed use of Program Year 2008-2009 CDBG funding was held on November 7, 2007; and;
WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges receipt of the City of Rochester Hills' Minor Home Repair Guidelines and approves for City staff to continue administering the program along these parameters;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that at a regular meeting of the City of Rochester Hills City Council held on November 14, 2007 at the City Hall Auditorium, 1000 Rochester Hills Dr., Rochester Hills MI, the City of Rochester Hills City Council approved the Program Year 2008 CDBG Application in the approximate amount of $148,855.00 and authorized the Mayor to sign and submit the application as follows:
Account Number Project Name Amount
731227 Minor Home Repair $81,870
732170 Home Chore Program $35,485
730137 Battered & Abused Spouses $10,500
730571 Emergency Services $ 3,500
732185 (a) Youth Services $14,000
732185 (b) Youth Services $ 3,500