Request for Tree Removal Permit Approval - File No. PTP2023-0007 - to remove fourteen (14) regulated trees and five (5) specimen trees and provide twenty (20) replacement trees with the sixteen (16) remaining trees to be paid into the city's Tree Fund for Primrose School, a proposed child care center located on the east side of Rochester Rd. and north of Eddington Blvd., zoned R-4 One Family Residential with an FB Flex Business Overlay, Parcel No. 15-23-301-018, Becky Klein, PEA Group, Applicant
Resolved, in the matter of File No. PSP2023-0009 (Primrose School) the Planning Commission grants a Tree Removal Permit (PTP2023-0007), based on plans received by the Planning Department on July 25, 2023, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. The proposed removal and replacement of regulated trees is in conformance with the City’s Tree Conservation Ordinance.
2. The applicant is proposing to remove 14 regulated trees and 5 specimen trees, and provide 20 replacement trees, and plant an overall total of 101 trees (replacement plus required trees) onsite.
1. Tree protective fencing, as reviewed and approved by the City staff, shall be installed prior to temporary grade being issued by Engineering.
2. Provide payment, equal to the current required fee for replacement trees, along with any additional fees associated with such, into the City’s Tree Fund for the remaining 16 trees identified on the site plan.