Request for Wetland Use Permit to impact approximately 39,404 square feet of wetlands for the Auburn Angara Oaks Condominium development, a proposed development with 9 single family detached residences, 6 multi-unit condominium buildings and related amenities on approximately 9.7 acres of land located at 2469 & 2489 W. Auburn Rd., 3045 Angara Dr., 3050 Harvey St., and Parcel No. 15-32-201-004, located on the south side of W. Auburn Rd. and west of Crooks Rd., zoned R-4 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay, Bruce Michael Auburn Angara Oaks, LLC, Applicant
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves a Wetland Use Permit for the Auburn Angara Oaks Condominium development to permanently impact approximately 39,204 square feet of wetlands (both Wetland A and Wetland B) to construct the private road, building areas for multiple family and single family units, and associated development infrastructure based on plans received by the Planning Department on September 9, 2024, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions.
1. Of the 97,484 square feet of wetland area on site, the applicant is proposing to impact approximately 39,404 square feet. Additionally, although Wetland A was determined to be of medium quality overall, the portion that is proposed to be impacted is of poor quality due to its non-native species content and low ecological function. And although Wetland B was determined to be of high quality overall, the impacts are noted to be small and the proposed retaining wall will limit further impacts and have been addressed to ASTI’s satisfaction.
2. ASTI has reviewed the subject plans and proposed impacts to Wetland A and Wetland B along with the proposed mitigation efforts to help reduce the impacts to those wetlands (including the installation of a retaining wall to allow for the reduction in the roadbed width for Wetland A; the impacts to Wetland B ...
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