Request for Final Site Plan Approval - City File No. 04-037 - Oakville Estates PUD
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the Final Site Plans for Oakville Estates PUD, a 122-unit development on 26 acres located east of John R, north of School, Parcel Nos.15-24-100-037, -038, -009, -010, -040, -028, -019, -018, and -029, based on plans dated received December 1, 2006 by the Planning and Development Department, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions.
1. The site plan and supporting documents demonstrate that all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, as well as other City ordinances, standards and requirements can be met subject to the conditions noted below.
2. The location and design of driveways providing vehicular ingress to and egress from the site will promote safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic both within the site and on adjoining streets.
3. Automobile parking areas have been designed to avoid common traffic problems and promote safety. Further, deferred parking spaces have been identified on-site for future consideration.
4. There will be a satisfactory and harmonious relationship between the development on the site and the existing and prospective development of contiguous land and adjacent neighborhoods.
5. The proposed development does not have an unreasonably detrimental, nor an injurious, effect upon the natural characteristics and features of the parcels being developed and the larger area of which the parcels are a part.
6. The proposed Final Plan promotes the goals and objectives of the Master Plan that the City provides a variety of housing.
7. The proposed plan provides appropriate transition between the existing land uses surrounding the property.
1. That any remaining engineering issues identified in the HRC letter dated January 4, 2007 be addressed prior to issuance of a Land Impro...
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