Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2009 City Council Goals and Objectives
Resolved that the City Council establishes the following as its Fiscal Year 2009 Goals and Objectives:
To protect the residents, businesses, and visitors of Rochester Hills by providing high quality public safety.
Objective: Identify a community-wide level of public safety service; and the associated costs to deliver such service.
Objective: Review any strategies possible for delivering the current level of service more effectively/efficiently.
Objective: Develop strategies to secure a long-term funding source for Police Services.
Objective: Maintain our focus on providing safe buildings for our community.
To establish policies for fiscal responsibility that ensures short and long-term prosperity thru effective fiscal planning and efficient management of the taxpayers' assets.
Objective: Evaluate non-tax, tax, and structural issues in the City Charter for possible amendment.
Objective: Request that the administration establish a list of identifiable cuts to reduce the operating or non-capital budget by two-percent and provide contingency plans for reduction in revenue.
Objective: Continue the policy of forecasting revenue and budgets for the next five years on a rolling basis.
Objective: Establish an Investment Committee, made up of local investment professionals, to provide guidance, support and oversight of the City's investment process.
Objective: Review depreciation formulas and confirm or modify.
To retain investment, maintain the tax and employment base, support redevelopment, and uphold high property values in the City.
Objective: Implement current systems and processes and develop a seamless system that minimizes time for approvals and eliminates redundancies.
Objective: Implement the new Master Land Use Plan and the new Master Thoroughfare Plan.
Objective: Encourage businesses to take ...
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