Request for Approval of the Floodplain Use Permit for 1345 New Love Lane.
Whereas, the property owner at 1345 New Love Lane, Patricia Radcliffe, is the applicant for a Floodplain Use Permit and;
Whereas, the Department of Public Service/Engineering Services has recommended approval of the Floodplain Use Permit application as submitted and;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council finds, after reviewing supporting documentation, that the recommendation of the Department of Public Services, and all the factors outlined for consideration in Chapter 114, Article III, Division 2, Section 114 - 159, as submitted by Patricia Radcliffe, for approval of the permit application is consistent with the public's health, safety, and welfare, and authorizes the Mayor to issue the permit on behalf of the City of Rochester Hills with one condition as the establishment of floodplain, wetland limits and vegetation shall be by November 15, 2008.