Proclamation in Recognition of Jill and Daniel Olmack for their generous donation of time and effort to keep the cemetery beautiful
Whereas, Jill and Daniel Olmack are residents of Rochester Hills and have dedicated their time and assistance to the Van Hoosen Jones-Stoney Creek Cemetery by planting flower beds along with the help of several Girl Scout Troops; and
Whereas, the beautification of the cemetery has been an ongoing project for the Olmacks, and Jill Olmack has served on the Cemetery Committee for many years; and
Whereas, the cemetery has been enhanced throughout the summer season as a result of the efforts of the Olmacks and the Girl Scouts.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Mayor and City Council of Rochester Hills hereby recognize Jill and Daniel Olmack for their generous donation of time and effort to keep the cemetery beautiful.
Bryan K. Barnett, Mayor
James Rosen, Council President
Barbara Holder, Council Vice President
Erik Ambrozaitis, Council Member
Jim Duistermars, Council Member
Linda Raschke, Council Member
Ravi Yalamanchi, Council Member