Request to Authorize the permit application from the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) for the Memorial Day Parade to be held on Monday, May 31, 2010
Whereas, the Cities of Rochester Hills and Rochester jointly host the 2010 Greater Rochester Memorial Day Parade, conducted under the sponsorship of various associated veteran organizations; and
Whereas, the parade route begins at 10:00 a.m.; Mt. Avon Cemetery within the City of Rochester and run along First Street, then southerly along Castell Street, then westerly along Harding Road to Livernois Road, and finally Livernois Road southerly to Veterans Pointe Park in the City of Rochester Hills; and
Whereas, staging this event requires closing certain County routes and using others for posted detour routes; and
Whereas, the two Cities coordinate parade planning by dividing responsibility for obtaining necessary permits, with the City of Rochester Hills applying to the Road Commission for Oakland County for the detour and the closure of Livernois Road and Avon Road.
Be It Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council authorizes the Mayor or his/her agents to make application to the Road Commission for Oakland County for the necessary permits for posting road closures; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the parade route be scheduled for Monday, May 31, 2010, starting at 10:00 a.m. on Harding and Livernois Roads; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the City of Rochester Hills will faithfully fulfill all permit requirements and shall save harmless, indemnify, defend, and represent the Board of County Road Commissioners against and all claims for bodily injury or property damage, or any other claim arising out of or related to operations authorized by such permit(s) as issued; and
Be It Further Resolved, that a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the City Clerk of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan.