Request for Approval ro rescind Traffic Control Order TM-25.1 "NO LEFT TURN" from eastbound Valley Stream Drive onto Livernois Road at their intersection between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Shumejko read the staff report. At the August 14, 2007 Advisory Traffic and Safety Board (ATSB) meeting, City staff brought forth the request from the Valley Stream Homeowner's Association to install a "No Left Turn" (NLT) sign for eastbound Valley Stream Drive at Livernois. The request originated from concerns related to "cut-through" traffic resulting from the eastbound Walton Boulevard traffic turning left onto Rochdale Drive north to Greenleaf Drive to Valley stream Drive to head north on Livernois Road. The home owners' association (HOA) stated that vehicles use Rochdale Drive N to get to NB Livernois to avid having to use the median island turnaround at Walton and Livernois.
Due to the construction work along University Drive in the City of Rochester, the ATSB along with staff's recommendation, approved the installation of the NLT sign between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on a temporary basis throughout the duration of the construction project via TCO-25. The TCO was issued on July 11, 2007. At the August 14, 2007 ATSB meeting, several requests were made to staff to complete prior to bringing this issue back to the Board:
1. That a compliance study be done within the next two weeks.
2. Request enforcement by the Oakland County Sheriff's Department (OCSD).
3. The sign be installed until construction is completed on Walton Boulevard/University, approximately November 2008. At that point a review of the intersection and surrounding area is made to see if the traffic flow is working as expected. If not, the appropriate study is done to determine what will resolve the situation.
4. Gather the traffic crash data.
5. Verify that the sight distance at the intersection is adequate, as well, for the crest in Livernois Road.
Compliance studies w...
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