Request for Purchase Authorization - PLANNING: Contract Extension for Continuing Professional Planning Services for various development applications - blanket purchase order not-to-exceed $22,500.00; McKenna Associates, Inc., Northville, MI
Whereas, The Planning Department has contracted the services of outside consultants to provide support services for technical site plan review in response to applications for development approvals; and
Whereas, McKenna Associates, Inc. of Northville, Michigan has served in this capacity since 1994 and was the selected consultant of the City's Quality Based Selection process in the Fall of 2000; and
Whereas, McKenna Associates, Inc, in addition to site plan review and planning support, was chosen as the consultant for the 2005/2006 Master Land Use Plan update; and
Whereas, the existing three-year contract expires at the end of 2006, and the average amount paid to McKenna each year has been less than $14,000.00.
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby authorizes a blanket purchase order to McKenna Associates, Inc., of Northville, Michigan for 2007 planning services in the not-to-exceed amount of $22,500.00 through December 31, 2007.