First Reading - Rezoning Request - An Ordinance to amend Chapter 138 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, to rezone two parcels of land totaling approximately 28 acres from R-2, One Family Residential, to B-2, General Business, located at the northeast corner of Hamlin and Adams, (City File No. 03-013); Parcel Nos. 15-29-101-022 and -023; Hamlin Adams Properties, LLC, Applicant
Resolved that an Ordinance to amend Chapter 138 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan to rezone 28± acres of Parcel Nos. 15-29-101-022 and -023 from R-2, One Family Residential to B-2, General Business District is hereby denied.