"No Parking" Sign Removals - PK-57.1
Whereas, Traffic Control Order No. PK-57.1 has been rescinded by the City Transportation Engineer under the provisions of Chapter 98 of the Rochester Hills Code of Ordinances, Michigan Vehicle Code, MCL 257.1 et seq.; and
Whereas, said Traffic Control Order covers:
PK-57.1 Removal of "No Parking" signs along Texas, just north of Walton as they no longer serve their original intent.
Whereas, said Traffic Control Order shall not be effective after the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of issuance, except upon approval by this Council; and
Whereas, the Advisory Traffic and Safety Board has considered the issues pertaining to the Traffic Control Order and recommends that the Order be approved;
Resolved, that the Advisory Traffice and Safety Board approves the issuance of Traffic Control Order No. PK-57.1 to be in effect until rescinded or superseded by subsequent order; and