File #: 2023-0545    Version:
Type: Appointment Status: Passed
File created: 11/20/2023 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 12/11/2023 Final action: 12/11/2023
Title: Nomination/Appointment of three (3) Citizen Representatives to the Green Space Advisory Board, each for a three-year term to expire December 31, 2026
Attachments: 1. 121123 Agenda Summary.pdf, 2. Appointment Form.pdf, 3. Hunter CQ.pdf, 4. Malhotra CQ.pdf, 5. McCracken CQ.pdf, 6. Strunk, S CQ.pdf, 7. 120423 Agenda Summary.pdf, 8. Nomination Form.pdf, 9. Arrington CQ.pdf, 10. Bante CQ.pdf, 11. Berard CQ.pdf, 12. Braun III CQ.pdf, 13. Carpenter CQ.pdf, 14. De CQ.pdf, 15. Duperon CQ.pdf, 16. Fakhouri CQ.pdf, 17. Ferry CQ.pdf, 18. Frederiksen CQ.pdf, 19. Galliway CQ.pdf, 20. Ivanaj CQ.pdf, 21. McCurdy CQ.pdf, 22. McGunn CQ.pdf, 23. Ogden CQ.pdf, 24. Pohl CQ.pdf, 25. Sahu CQ.pdf, 26. Strunk, J CQ.pdf, 27. Swider CQ.pdf, 28. Yazbeck CQ.pdf, 29. Notice of Vacancy.pdf, 30. 120423 Resolution.pdf, 31. Resolution (Draft).pdf


Nomination/Appointment of three (3) Citizen Representatives to the Green Space Advisory Board, each for a three-year term to expire December 31, 2026


Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council appoints Chander Malhotra, David McCracken, and Susan Strunk to the Green Space Advisory Board each to serve a three-year term expiring December 31, 2026.