Request for Site Plan Approval Pursuant to the May 26, 2005 Amended Consent Judgment - City File No. 05-030.5 - Adams Marketplace Building A, a proposed 18,440 square-foot building with outdoor seating, located at the southwest corner of Adams and M-59, zoned by Consent Judgment, Parcel No. 15-30-326-008, Rochester Hills Corporate Center, L.L.C., applicant
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the Site Plan for Adams Marketplace Building A, City File No. 05-030.5, an 18,440 square-foot building with outdoor seating located at the southwest corner of Adams and M-59, Parcel No. 15-30-326-008, zoned by Consent Judgment, based on plans dated received by the Planning and Development Department on February 22, 2007, with the following conditions:
1. That with this site plan the City Council approves outdoor seating for only
that area shown on the Site Plans dated received February 22, 2007, and that any additional outdoor seating or expansion of that shown shall be subject to City Council approval in accordance with the Consent Judgment Section 1, Permitted Uses (b).
2. That a Landscape and Island Tree Performance Bond in the amount of $24,779.00 be posted with the City, prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
3. That a Tree Replacement Bond in the amount of $28,900.00 be posted with the City, prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
4. That landscape irrigation not be performed at peak times of 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.