Consideration of Resolution concerning proposed DWSD Model Water Contract
WHEREAS, the City of Detroit owns and operates a public water supply system supplying water to numerous communities throughout southeastern Michigan; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rochester Hills contracts with the City of Detroit to supply potable water to its residents; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rochester Hills' current contract with the City of Detroit has or will expire on March 11, 2010; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation of the expiration of water service contracts with various governmental entities in southeastern Michigan, over the last three years, the City of Detroit has developed a proposed Model Water Contract and is seeking Rochester Hills' approval of the terms of this Model Water Contract; and
WHEREAS, the cooperative efforts to date between the City of Detroit and Technical Advisory Contract Group in the drafting of the Model Water Contract have been thoughtful and productive, but there remain outstanding issues and concerns to be addressed; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the proposed Model Water Contract provide all customers a long-term supply of potable water that meets or exceeds state and federal regulatory requirements for drinking water quality, without discrimination and at the lowest reasonable rates; and
WHEREAS, the City of Detroit and Technical Advisory Contract Group have requested municipal customers' input; and
THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED by the Rochester Hills City Council that the City of Rochester Hills requests that the terms of the proposed Model Water Contract with the City of Detroit be revised and expanded to address the following:
1. The Contract should provide a process for meaningful municipal customer participation and a "greater voice" to provide input concerning major capital or maintenance projects or other factors impacting the rates developed by the Detroit Board of Water Commissioners.
2. ...
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