Request for Approval of a Tree Removal Permit - File No. JNRNB2021-0033 - for the removal and replacement of 17 regulated trees for the proposed Chick Fil-A development located on approximately 2.75 acres, 3178 and 3200 S. Rochester Rd., located on the west side of Rochester Rd., north of Hickory Lawn Rd., zoned B-2 General Business with an FB Flex Business Overlay and R-3 One Family Residential, Parcels 15-34-227-017, 15-34-227-039 and 15-34-227-040, Brandon Schram, Rochester Hills Retail Management II LLC, Applicant
Resolved, in the matter of File No. JNRNB2021-0033 (Chick-Fil-A at 3200 S. Rochester Rd.) the Planning Commission postpone action on the Tree Removal Permit to allow a drive-through restaurant use and ancillary retail building, to allow the Office of Planning to re-advertise the required public hearing and to allow the applicant time to place the required notice of proposed conditional use sign at the subject site in compliance with the City’s Zoning requirements.