Request for a Wetland Use Permit - Stonecrest at Rochester Hills, for wetland impacts of up to 6,650 square feet for a proposed 81,073 square-foot senior living facility on 3.5 gross acres, located on the east side of Rochester Rd., north of Hamlin, zoned R-4, One Family Residential with an FB Flexible Business Overlay; NP Senior Living Development, LLC, Applicant
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves a Wetland Use Permit for Stonecrest at Rochester Hills to temporarily and permanently impact approximately 6,650 square feet for the construction of the proposed drive and site grading for an 81,703 square-foot assisted living and memory care facility located on the east side of Rochester Rd., north of Hamlin, zoned R-4, One Family Residential with an FB-2, Flexible Business Overlay, part of Parcel No. 15-23-300-035, NP Senior Living Development, LLC, Applicant, based on plans dated received by the Planning Department on January 20, 2016, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions.
1. Of the approximately 1.12 acres of City-regulated wetlands on site, the applicant is proposing to impact less than one-third.
2. The wetland areas are of medium to low ecological quality and should not be considered a vital natural resource to the City.
1. If required, that the applicant receives all applicable DEQ permits prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
2. That the applicant provides a detailed soil erosion plan with measures sufficient to ensure ample protection of wetlands areas, prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
3. That any temporary impact areas be restored to original grade with original soils or equivalent soils and seeded with a City approved wetland seed mix where possible, prior to final approval by staff.