Approval of Expanded Local Development Finance Authority Boundaries
Whereas, Public Act 281, MCL 125.2154, Section 4(5) provides that the governing body of a city or municipality may alter or amend the boundaries of an authority district; and
Whereas, City Council passed a Resolution of Intent to Hold a Public Hearing to consider the expansion of the boundaries of the Rochester Hills Local Development Finance Authority District on January 19, 2005; and
Whereas, the taxing jurisdictions and property owners within the existing District and proposed expansion area received notice of the Public Hearing as required by Act 281; and
Whereas, two (2) notices announcing the Public Hearing were printed in a paper of general circulation within the City of Rochester Hills in accordance with the requirements of Act 281; and
Whereas, City Council held a public hearing on February 16, 2005 to consider the expansion of the boundaries of the Rochester Hills Local Development Finance Authority district; and
Whereas, a required 60-day referendum period, as required by PA 281, MCL 125.2154, Section 4 (4), has expired.
Resolved that the boundaries of the Rochester Hills Local Development Finance Authority District are expanded and further defined as:
Part of sections 17, 18, 19, 21, 28, 29 and 30, T. 3 N., R. 11 E., City of Rochester Hills, Oakland County, Michigan.
More particularly described as being all of section 18 and that part of sections 17 and 19, described as beginning at the northwest corner of said section 18; thence easterly along the north line of said section 18, also being the centerline of Walton Boulevard, to the northeast corner of said section 18; thence southerly 2044.63 feet along the east line of said section 18, also being the centerline of Adams Road, to the southwest corner of Spring Hill Subdivision; thence easterly 1491.99 feet along the south line of said Spring Hill Subdivision to the southeast corner of said Sp...
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