Request from Paint Creek Trailways Commission for Resolution of Support for National Recreation Trail Application
Whereas, the Paint Creek Trail, located in the communities of Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township, Orion Township and Lake Orion, was the first rail to trail in the State of Michigan; and
Whereas, the Paint Creek Trail is the physical representative of Michigan's only Millennium Legacy Trail and an integral part of the Oakland County Trail Network; and
Whereas, the Paint Creek Trail is a means of access to historical, cultural, and significant natural resources while providing for numerous outdoor recreation activities; and
Whereas, the Paint Creek Trailways Commission exemplifies the success of collaboration among different jurisdictions for the benefit of a unified trail system; and
Whereas, the Paint Creek Trail is a "Trail for All Americans" because it connects people with many destinations, while protecting and enhancing natural areas.
Now, Therefore, Be It Finally Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby supports the Paint Creek Trailways Commission's application as a National Recreation Trail.