Request for Approval of Designation of Green Space Property; Parcel No. 15-20-404-001, a two-acre parcel located on the south side of the Clinton River Trail adjacent to the south end of the Harding Green Space Property in Rochester Hills, recommended by the Green Space Advisory Board
Whereas, the Rochester Hills City Council established the Green Space Advisory Board (GSAB) for the purpose of developing strategies and recommendations to City Council regarding the expenditure of Open Space Millage funds for permanently preserving natural green spaces, wildlife habitats and scenic views; protecting woodlands, wetlands, rivers and streams; and expanding the Clinton River Greenway and other trail corridors;
Whereas, the City owns this parcel;
Whereas, GSAB because of its proximity to the Harding Green Space Property, recommends it be designated as Green Space as the property has no designated city function;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council adopts the GSAB recommendation to designate Parcel No. 15-15-404-001, located on the south side of the Clinton River adjacent to the south end of the Harding Green Space Property;
Be It Further Resolved, that the City Council authorizes the City Administration to designate this city owned property as Green Space.