Request for Approval of Agreement and Purchase Authorization - MIS/FIRE: Approval of Interlocal Services Agreement for IT Services between the City of Rochester Hills and Oakland County for Oakland County Fire Records Management System (FRMS), Law Enforcement Management Information System (CLEMIS), and GIS Services (ArcGIS, Data Sharing, and Pictometry); Contract/Blanket Purchase Order for Oakland County Fire Records Management System (FRMS), Law Enforcement Management Information System (CLEMIS) in the amount not-to-exceed of $190,000.00 for a five (5) year term; Oakland County, Pontiac, MI
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby waives Section 2-273(b), the requirements for long term contracts, under Section 2-281, which allows City Council the authority to waive any regulation or procedure pertaining to purchasing, deeming it to be in the best interest of the City.
Further Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the Interlocal Services Agreement for IT Services between the City of Rochester Hills and Oakland County for Oakland County Fire Records Management System (FRMS), Law Enforcement Management Information System (CLEMIS), and GIS Services (ArcGIS, Data Sharing, and Pictometry);
Further Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council authorizes a contract/blanket purchase order to Oakland County for Oakland County Fire Records Management System (FRMS), Law Enforcement Management Information System (CLEMIS) in the amount not-to-exceed of $190,000.00 for a five (5) year term and authorizes the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.