Recognition of Drive 4 Pledges Day - September 19, 2013
Whereas, texting has become the way many people communicate today, which means some people are doing it at the worst possible time - while driving; and
Whereas, texting while driving is involved in over 100,000 motor vehicle crashes each year, often causing injuries and deaths; and
Whereas, those who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in some type of safety critical event as compared to those drivers who don't text while they drive; and
Whereas, in 2009 AT&T launched the public awareness campaign "It Can Wait" to educate the public about the dangers of texting while driving by encouraging consumers to take the personal pledge not to text while driving.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Mayor and City Council of Rochester Hills designates September 19, 2013 as "Drive 4 Pledges Day" to focus attention on the dangers of texting while driving, and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Mayor and City Council have taken the personal pledge to not text and drive, support efforts to raise public awareness about the dangers of texting while driving and encourage others to take the pledge not to text and drive.