Request for Wetland Use Permit - City File No. 04-037 - Oakville Estates, located east of John R, north of School, to construct a 6-foot wide by 12-foot long boardwalk over a wetland at the northeast corner of the property over Wetland A to the natural open space area, affecting Parcel Nos. 15-24-100-028 and -038
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves a Wetland Use Permit for Oakville Estates PUD, City File No. 04-037, for the installation of an elevated pedestrian bridge at the northeast corner of the property over Wetland A to the natural open space area, affecting Parcel Nos. 15-24-100-028 and -038, based on plans dated received by the Planning Department on December 1, 2006, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions.
1. The Wetland and Watercourse Protection Ordinance is applicable to the subject site because it is not included within a site plan or preliminary subdivision plat which has received final approval prior to January 17, 1990.
2. Approximately 160 square feet of temporary wetland impacts to Wetland A will result from construction of an elevated boardwalk. Such a boardwalk would allow Wetland A to be crossed and would keep pedestrian impacts to a minimum, thereby preserving wetland functions and allowing access to open space east of Wetland A.
3. An elevated walk across Wetland A would allow the natural drainage patterns to remain unimpeded and pedestrian access is preferable.
1. Impacted areas must be shown on revised plans in square footage and approved by the City's Wetland Consultant, prior to Final Approval by Staff.
2. All temporarily impacted areas must be seeded with a seed mix, and be noted on the revised plans, as approved by the City's Wetland Consultant prior to Final Approval by Staff.