Request for Approval for the Green Space Acquisition of 1460 Mead Rd. property, known as Parcel No. 15-01-100-009.
Whereas, the Green Space Advisory Board has been diligently working to acquire open space per the Green Space and Natural Features Millage approved in 2005; and
Whereas, the Green Space Advisory Board has developed criteria for open space acquisition and evaluated the nominated properties based on the Property Evaluation Criteria, site visits, greenway connectivity, and how they fit into Oakland County's Spoke & Hub Strategy; and
Whereas, the Green Space Advisory Board recommendations in their report dated May 16, 2007, included Parcel #15-01-100-009 as meeting their acquisition criteria; and
Whereas, the Rochester Hills City Council authorized the Mayor and Administration to create an acquisition team to begin the acquisition process with the property owners; and
Whereas, the Mayor's acquisition team has negotiated an Agreement to Purchase based on appraised value for this property; and
Whereas, the landowner Stoney Brook Meadows, LLC, has agreed to accept the city's conclusion for market value as full payment for said property.
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council approves the Agreement to Purchase of property parcel #15-01-100-009 with Stoney Brook Meadows, LLC, for $2,770,000.00 and authorizes the Mayor to proceed with this purchase, execute necessary documents, and pay all appropriate costs and fees associated with the purchase of this property for open space preservation by the City of Rochester Hills.