File #: 2025-0071    Version: 1
Type: Project Status: Held in Committee
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: Final action:
Title: Request for Site Plan Approval - File PSP2024-0008 - for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant
Attachments: 1. Applicant's presentation to the Planning Commission.pdf, 2. Staff Report 021225.pdf, 3. Reviewed plans Pt. 1.pdf, 4. Reviewed plans Pt. 2.pdf, 5. Reviewed plans Pt. 3.pdf, 6. Krieger Klatt letter 011725.pdf, 7. Development application.pdf, 8. Environmental Impact Statement.pdf, 9. G2 Consulting Group letter 041124.pdf, 10. WRC letter 051024.pdf, 11. Email to HOAs 020625.pdf, 12. Public Meeting Notice.pdf


Request for Site Plan Approval - File PSP2024-0008 - for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development, a 32-unit apartment complex and related amenities on approximately 2.4 acres of land, located on the south side of Orion Road, west of Old Orion Ct. and Rochester Rd., Parcel 15-03-476-018 and abutting road right-of-way, zoned R-1 One Family Residential and a portion of the land has the FB Flex Business Overlay; Mark Bismack, Applicant



Resolved, that the Rochester Hills Planning Commission hereby postpones the request for Site Plan Approval for Old Orion Ct. Residential Development (City File PSP2024-0008), the Request for Tree Removal Permit (City File PTP2025-0001), the Wetland Use Permit Recommendation (City File PWEP2025-0001), and the request for Natural Features Setback Modification (City File PNFSM2025-0001) to allow the Applicant to reduce the number of units in order to preserve the setback subject to staff approval and preserve the Type C buffer along the southern property line, and meet with the neighbors.