Approval of 2005-2006 Youth Council (RHGYC) Projects
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council approves the following projects for selection by the 2005-2006 Rochester Hills Government Youth Council:
* Creation of a Youth Council Logo
* Enhance and Develop Communication with Youth in the Community
- Utilize various communication tools to better connect Youth to Council, Youth to Youth and Youth to Government and Schools
* Research options of providing possible internships or after school projects for Youth at City Hall
* Pathway Connectivity:
- How does the youth use the pathways in the community
- What is lacking in the system from the youth's perspective
- What areas from the youth perspective are important
* Locate and develop funding options and opportunities for projects
* Develop budget for Youth projects
* Youth Activities and Facilities:
- What recreational activities and/or facilities do the youth use
- What recreational activities and/or facilities would youth like to see
- Where is the community lacking in providing youth activities
* Youth participation in Festival of the Hills
* False Alarm Ordinance - how to educate the public
* Work with the MML to create a better Youth Program for MML Legislative Day
* Host a Regional Youth Summit
* Establish a Voter Registration/Election Information Program in the high schools
* Create a Video regarding all aspects of the RHGYC
* Rochester Hills Public Library use by youth and how it can be enhanced
* Community Beautification
* Development of City Hall Commons Area
* City Hall - Front Pond Rehabilitation - CIP Project #SW-09