Request for Adoption of a Resolution for acceptance of the award of a grant through the 2016 Aquatic Habitat Grant Program for the Avon Creek Water Quality Enhancements and Creek Restoration project in the amount of $100,000.00
Whereas, the City of Rochester Hills City Council approves the acceptance of this MDNR grant for the purpose of causing correction to the last portion of Avon Creek, known as phase IV, to complete the efforts already in place by phase I, II and III, as well as to do the Rochester Hills portion of effort to delist the Clinton River Sub-Watershed from federal distinction.
Whereas, the City of Rochester Hills owns this parcel.
Whereas, due to the proximity of the Clinton River as well as the previous efforts, this grant award will allow conductivity of the restored proper floodplain and channel form flow creek to link into the Clinton River.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City of Rochester Hills City Council accepts the MDNR grant to facilitate the major funding of Avon Creek phase IV construction on City Hall Property.
Be It Further Resolved, that the City of Rochester Hills City Council authorizes the City Administration to provide the described matching funding.