Request for Purchase Authorization-DPS/Engineering: Accept the amended Contract for the Shadow Woods Subdivision & the Clinton River Trailway Surfacing Project and Award additional work to C & G Myers Construction, LLC; Milford, MI for Van Hoosen Jones Stoney Creek Cemetery Road Extension; the Fire Station #5 Parking Lot Rehabilitation; the Clinton River Trailway Parking Lot and Pathway; and the Waltonshire Court Paving increasing the Blanket Purchase Order in the amount of $138,716.68 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $2,952,666,83.
Resolved that the Request for Purchase Authorization-DPS/Engineering: Accept the amended Contract for the Shadow Woods Subdivision & the Clinton River Trailway Surfacing Project and Award additional work to C & G Myers Construction, LLC; Milford, MI for Van Hoosen Jones Stoney Creek Cemetery Road Extension; the Fire Station #5 Parking Lot Rehabilitation; the Clinton River Trailway Parking Lot and Pathway; and the Waltonshire Court Paving increasing the Blanket Purchase Order in the amount of $138,716.68 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $2,952,666,83.