Adoption of Resolution to Dissolve the DPS Facility Technical Review Committee
Whereas, a Project Team was created that spent significant time and resources researching options for the space and upgrade needs for the DPS Facility. This Project Team gave City Council updates on the project during several work sessions; and
Whereas, the Rochester Hills City Council at its regular meeting of November 30, 2005 adopted Resolution RES0422-2005 forming a subcommittee charged with the specific reevaluation of the proposed scope of the DPS Facility; and
Whereas, the Subcommittee continued to meet and provide bi-monthly updates to City Council on the progress of the DPS Facility; and
Whereas, a recommendation was made at the Rochester Hills City Council Regular Meeting of December 5, 2007 to dissolve this committee due to the fact that the DPS Facility is just about complete and expected to be occupied in February of 2008; and
Whereas, Mr. Roger Rousse, Director of DPS/Engineering and Chair of the DPS Facility Technical Review Committee, was in attendance at this meeting and concurred with the recommendation to dissolve the meeting.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council concurs with the recommendation and agrees to dissolve the DPS Facility Technical Review Committee.