File #: 2025-0049    Version: 1
Type: Purchase Status: Passed
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: Final action: 2/10/2025
Title: Request for Purchase Authorization - PARKS: Blanket Purchase Order/Contract for the Brooklands Plaza Construction in the amount of $1,319,648.09 with a 5% project contingency in the amount of $65,982.40 for a total not-to-exceed project amount of $1,385,630.49; Lang Constructors, Inc., Flint, MI
Indexes: Blanket Purchase, Purchase Authorization
Attachments: 1. 021025 Agenda Summary.pdf, 2. Work Order & Cost Proposal.pdf, 3. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 1.pdf, 4. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 2.pdf, 5. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 3.pdf, 6. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 4.pdf, 7. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 5.pdf, 8. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 6.pdf, 9. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 7.pdf, 10. Brooklands Plaza Rendering 8.pdf, 11. Resolution (Draft).pdf


Request for Purchase Authorization - PARKS:  Blanket Purchase Order/Contract for the Brooklands Plaza Construction in the amount of $1,319,648.09 with a 5% project contingency in the amount of $65,982.40 for a total not-to-exceed project amount of $1,385,630.49; Lang Constructors, Inc., Flint, MI



Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby authorizes a blanket purchase order/contract for the Brooklands Plaza Construction to Lang Constructors, Inc., Flint, Michigan in the amount of $1,319,648.09 with a 5% project contingency in the amount of $65,982.40 for a total not-to-exceed project amount of $1,385,630.49 and further authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement on behalf of the City.


Further Resolved, that the City’s acceptance of the proposal and approval of the award of a contract shall be contingent and conditioned upon the parties’ entry into and execution of a written agreement acceptable to the City.