Request for Approval of Wetland Use Permit - Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church, located on Hamlin Road between Livernois and Rochester Roads, to construct a detention pond in front of the proposed church building.
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves a Wetland Use Permit for Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church, City File No. 05-039, based on plans dated received by the Planning Department on July 13, 2007 with the following two (2) findings and subject to the following one (1) condition.
1. The Wetland and Watercourse Protection Ordinance is applicable to the subject site because it is not included within a site plan which has received final approval prior to January 17, 1990.
2. Approximately 1,006 square feet of permanent wetland impacts will result from the utilization of the water feature for storm water management.
1. Implementation of site appropriate structural and non-structural best management practices, to prevent or minimize the impact on water quality.