Request for Approval of Final Site Condominium Plan - City File No. 99-031 -Saddlebrook Orchards.
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the Final Site Condominium Plan for Saddlebrook Orchards, a 10-unit site condo development on five acres on Auburn, east of Crooks, zoned R-4, One Family Residential, Parcel No. 15-28-300-029, based on plans dated received by the Planning and Development Department on March 12, 2007, with the following findings and conditions:
1. All applicable requirements of the One-Family Residential Detached Condominiums Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance can be met.
2. Adequate public utilities are currently available to properly service the proposed development.
3. The Final Plan represents a reasonable and acceptable plan for developing the property.
4. The Final Plan is in conformance with the previously approved Preliminary Plan.
1. That the applicant deposit $2000.00 into the City Tree Fund for one street tree per lot, prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
2. All outstanding fees and permits must be submitted to Engineering Services prior to the applicant obtaining a Land Improvement Permit.